Healthwatch North Tyneside News – 21 January 2020

Health and care survey extended to 3 February
There’s still time to do our annual health and social care survey
We want to celebrate services which provide excellent care and find out where improvements might be needed. To do this, we need your feedback.
Complete our short online survey and you can enter our free £25 prize draw. The survey now closes on Monday 3 February.
Go to the survey
Find out what people said last year and what we have done to address the issues they raised in our short summary
What matters to you? Complete our online survey
Volunteer Recruitment Fair this Saturday
Have you thought about volunteering but you aren’t sure what would be involved? You can talk to Amanda, our Vounteer Coordinator, at this week’s recruitment fair:
- Saturday 25 January from 10am to 3pm at The Beacon Centre in North Shields
Read more about what our volunteers do and how you can get involved here
Join our Board of Trustees
We’re looking for four new trustees to join our Healthwatch Board. We want to hear from anyone who wants to make a real difference to people’s lives in North Tyneside.
You should have the skills and experiences to help us deliver our aims and at least 3 hours a month available to volunteer with us.
Find out more and download information about the trustee role
If you would like to talk to our Chair or Director informally, please contact
Happy to chat at the Beacon Centre
Anyone who would like to pop along will be welcomed with a cuppa and a chat at the launch of ‘Happy to Chat’:
- Tuesday 28 January from 10 to 3 at The Beacon Centre, North Shields
Healthwatch volunteers, Colin and Cheryl, will be there from 12 to 1pm. Happy to Chat is all about kindness, taking the time to listen to others and making connections in the local community.
The scheme is being developed by North Tyneside VODA, working in collaboration with Whitley Bay Big Local and members of the SIGN Network.
More information on Happy to Chat
Learning Disability Care Forum meeting
The next meeting of the Learning Disability Care Forum is on:
- Tuesday 28 January from 10 to 12 at the Langdale Centre, Howdon
On the agenda are changes in transport, update on learning disability hospital care, Adult Social Care outcomes framework and future priorities for the forum.
More information about the forum
Volunteer workshop at the Carers’ Centre
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre is inviting anyone who is interested in finding out about their new volunteering opportunities to come along on:
- Thursday 13th February from 10am to 1pm or 4 to 7pm at the Carers’ Centre
Light refreshments will be provided. For more information please contact Sue, Jacqui or Andrea on 0191 643 2298, email or download this flyer
News and resources
Learning Disability Matters – new website
This new website and app will give parents, carers and families straightforward, pragmatic, realistic information that is aimed to help them day to day, know where to go for further help and understand what they are entitled to. The app was developed by the Learning Disability Network and can be found at
Gateway/Front Door training time
The Gateway/Front Door Contact Centre at North Tyneside Council is changing its opening hours from the 29 January. To develop skills and encourage staff development, the centre will be closing between 12 and 1pm on the last Wednesday of every month.
During this time, the team will not be able to answer phones or respond to electronic referrals. If you submit an enquiry during this time, it will be dealt with upon the team’s return, after 1pm.
If you would like any further information, contact Lesley Crawford on 0191 643 7641 or email
Lay member needed for MS management guideline committee
NICE (National Institute for Heath and Care Excellence) is looking for someone with experience of Multiple Sclerosis to join this committee, attendance fees are paid by NICE. Closing date – 17 February
More information and how to apply
Have your say
LGBTQI+ youth mental health survey
LGBTQ+ youth are more than two-and-a-half times more likely to have a mental health problem as those who identify as heterosexual. This survey will help develop ‘On My Mind’ to more effectively support LGBTQI+ young people who may be struggling or worrying about their mental health or wellbeing.
Please share this link with any LGBTQ+ young people aged up to 25 whom you know or support.
The survey is open until the end of the month then a workshop will debate the results of the survey with #LGBTQ+ young people to create a new resource.