Healthwatch North Tyneside News – 8 July 2021

Read our latest annual report detailing our achievements over the past 12 months and our priorities for the coming year. Find out where to get vaccinations, how to cancel and change vaccination appointments, and other answers to commonly asked questions. View our current surveys and hear from our volunteer Antalya about being part of the Healthwatch team.
Have your say
Have you recently had your COVID-19 vaccine in North Tyneside?
We’re continuing to gather feedback about getting a COVID-19 vaccine. In particular we’d like to hear from people who have received their vaccine at a North Tyneside vaccine centre in June or July. Tell us where you received the vaccine, what was done well and what could be improved in this short survey.
Carers’ survey
We want to hear about carers’ views and experiences in a survey from North Tyneside Carers’ Centre and Healthwatch North Tyneside, on behalf of North Tyneside’s Carers Partnership Board. Your views will help local services better understand carers’ issues and identify ways to improve services. You could also win £100.
Tell us your experiences as a carer
Our news
In what was an unprecedented year, Healthwatch North Tyneside stepped up to the mark. We not only delivered on our core charitable aims of sharing health and care information and ensuring people’s voices were heard, but also rethought the way we worked to better support local people during the pandemic.
Download our annual report here
How to get a COVID-19 vaccine
We’ve created a comprehensive guide to getting a vaccine in North Tyneside, with help from our partners North Tyneside VODA, Community Health Champions, TyneHealth and North Tyneside CCG.
A guide to getting a COVID-19 vaccine
How to change or cancel a vaccine appointment
We are often asked how to change or cancel vaccine appointments, so we’ve put together a step-by-step guide for both the national and local booking systems.
A guide to changing or cancelling appointments
Local health news
The latest vaccination sites
The drive to increase vaccine rates in North Tyneside continues with the provision of a number of walk-in clinics and bookable appointments in community pharmacies. North Tyneside Council are keeping their website up-to-date with the latest vaccination sites. Find dates, times and locations here in the Testing and Vaccination section.
The Community Health Champions are also sharing regular updates on their Facebook page. Follow them at
How long to wait between vaccine doses?
Lots of people have been asking how long to wait between COVID vaccination doses. The Government announced earlier this week that it should be 8 weeks between the first and second dose for all ages. There may be clinical reasons that mean you could get your second dose earlier but you would need to discuss that with your vaccinator.
Vaccine passports
You can access your NHS COVID Pass through the free NHS App on a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet. Proof of your COVID-19 status will be shown within the NHS App, which can be downloaded as a PDF. For a paper copy call 119.
The NHS COVID Pass will show that you have had a full course of vaccinations.
Please DO NOT contact your GP as they are unable to provide you with the pass.
Vaccination programme update
TyneHealth launch their Long COVID webpage
The website and social media campaign #MyLongCOVID provides trusted information and support on Long COVID for both North Tyneside residents and healthcare professionals. Visit the webpage at
Keep up to date with the latest information about COVID-19 and the vaccination programme on the TyneHealth website
Competition winner
Congratulations to Richelle Duffy from North Shields, the winner of our prescription services survey prize draw, who’ll be receiving £25 Love2Shop vouchers.
Our volunteers
Volunteers’Week 2021
It has been a while since we had a chance to meet face-to-face with our amazing volunteers, so we all really enjoyed our Volunteers’ Week celebration event at the Linskill Centre. Our volunteers told us they are really looking forward to getting out and about again as soon as restrictions allow.
Find out more about becoming a Healthwatch volunteer
Useful information and opportunities
LD:NorthEast launch Health Cards – an easy read resource to help with health related appointments
The Health Cards use Easy Read text and pictures to explain what may happen during a medical or health related appointment. The cards can be used in various health settings to help reduce fears and anxieties, and to help ask and answer questions. Download the cards on the LD North East website.
Consider mental health support for some people with acne, says NICE
NICE have recommended mental health support for people who experience acne, which can lead to psychological distress and in some cases contribute to a mental health disorder. Read more here
Latest news and reports from Healthwatch England
- New research exploring vaccination confidence provides vital lessons for public health campaigns
- COVID-19 vaccine round-up: access, attitudes and experiences
- Focus on NHS Admin is needed to improve people’s experiences of care
- Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion – Our plan for 2021-22
- Five principles for post-COVID-19 digital healthcare
- Locked out: Digitally excluded people’s experiences of remote GP appointments
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