Latest Update from the Linskill Trust

Good afternoon,
For those who don’t recognise my email address I work in the Community Development team at Linskill and I am emailing to pass on the following email, shown below my signature, from our Chief Executive Simeon Ripley.
Some of you will have received this information in other ways for example if you are a member of the Linskill Centre newsletter as well as attending a community activity and completed a registration form – I’m very sorry for any duplication.
I hope this email finds you all safe and well. We are hoping to look creatively at how we can reach people and hope to get some info out very soon using email but also our facebook pages.
Keep in touch, especially of you need any help with anything – we can signpost you to organisations who are out helping with food shopping, prescription collecting etc. If you would like a friendly phone call in the coming days or weeks please let me know…the Linskill Doors are temporarily closed but our team are still here for a natter.
Chat soon,
Charly Mulvaney
Older engagement worker
Linskill and North Tyneside Community Development Trust, Linskill Centre, Linskill Terrace, North Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE30 2AY.
Monday to Thursday 9-3pm and Friday 9-12 noon
Charity No: 1119143
Company No: 04827255
Latest Update from Linskill Trust
In line with the latest government instruction it is with sadness the Trust is announcing the temporary closure of the Linskill Centre, Battle Hill Multi-Use Centre and the Royal Quays Community Centre.
We have endeavoured to keep the doors open for as long as possible to serve our community, but the health and safety of our people and guests is paramount. It is now time to close the doors, to reduce the impact of the coronavirus outbreak.
As a Trust we will work with local and regional partners to support those most vulnerable within our community over the coming weeks and will share the details of these as soon as possible. Linskill Nursery will remain open to care for children of Key Workers.
The Trust would like to thank all staff, customers and our community for their ongoing support. When the time is right, we look forward to welcoming you back.
Simeon Ripley
Chief Executive