28 Oct

What are Mental Health Problems Animation

You might already know a lot about this. But we know that many people don’t, even though they might be affected by mental health problems themselves. It’s so important that people understand what they’re going through, and that it’s ok to ask for help when things don’t feel right.

So this World Mental Health Day we’re asking you to watch the video and to share it, so that nobody faces a mental health problem alone. You can forward this email, or you can share our Facebook post or our Twitter post.

If you’re struggling with your own mental health, we’re here for you. Find out more about our information and support.

We won’t give up until everyone with a mental health problem gets both support and respect.

Thank you and take care,

Candy at Mind

P.S. We worked with several people with experience of mental health problems to develop the animation who had some quite different views and experiences. It’s a complex topic for a two-minute animation but we hope it’s a helpful introduction.