A wee paper craft video – make mini recycled envelopes

Good afternoon…..I’m here with a link to a lovely quick ‘How to Make Recycled Envelopes’ video.
Here are some of mine…so addictive! These are lovely for something fun to do or for little gift envelopes…I popped a KitKat in the Harry Potter one and posted it under my sons bedroom door! My daughter used the rest to write ‘Stay Safe’ notes for the neighbours..bless her. I’m going to make some for VODA’s Good Neighbours project if anyone would like to join in.
Download the template for you to print out OR as Jenny says in the video you can draw around an envelope that you have already and use that instead.
If you fancy sharing your creations I would LOVE LOVE to see them!
Chat soon
Charly Mulvaney
Older engagement worker
Linskill and North Tyneside Community Development Trust, Linskill Centre, Linskill Terrace, North Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE30 2AY.
Monday to Thursday 9-3pm and Friday 9-12 noon
T: Currently only available on email or via the facebook page – thank you.
Charity No: 1119143
Company No: 04827255