ADHD-360 Open Evening/official launch of their service in the North East – 24 February 2020

You are cordially invited to find out more by going along to meet the ADHD 360 bods next Monday (24th February) between 7 and 9pm at Gateshead Clubhouse, Worcester Green, Gateshead NE8 1NH
Ask them questions and hear why they can confidently say that ADHD-360 offers “more than your diagnosis”.
As they go on to say: “ADHD 360 are a national provider of diagnostic assessment and treatment of ADHD to people of all ages and are opening a clinic in Newcastle this month. We offer assessment and treatment with affordable payment schemes and reductions for those on low incomes”.
Please visit their website which holds a wealth of information about the highly skilled professionals and services that lie at the heart of ADHD-360
The directions for the Clubhouse are shown on this page of their website
best wishes,
bill scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups NE
mobile / text: 07856212564