Adult AD/HD Support Group NE Meeting – 15 July 2021

Hi Folks:
I’d like to let you know about our July meeting, in South Tyneside:-
South Shields: Thursday 15th JULY (6-9pm)
Venue: Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / corner of Anderson Street, South Shields NE33 2QU. Thanks once again to Age Concern for their invaluable support. Download the PDF flyer for this meeting here.
Our other meetings across the region should start again in September. We will let you know as soon as things are fully confirmed via email and on the website.
If there are any amendments or additions to our email contact list, please let me know.
We look forward to see everybody who can make it!
best wishes
Bill Scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups North East
07856212564 / 0191 496 7467 (office)