FACT – Fighting All Cancers Together – Donation Request

Hi All,
At FACT we are working extremely hard to provide Kindness Kits of food, toiletries and household products to people and families affected by cancer who are struggling financially or who are having to isolate because of their cancer.
We are also providing emotional support over the telephone – a general helpline to check in with people and also crisis support provided by counsellors for those with greater needs.
We are doing all of this, with no income. Please support us in any way possible………we are needed now more than ever, and our vital services will be needed long after this pandemic is over to support the 1 in 2 people who are diagnosed with cancer in the UK.
😢Our charity fundraising income has stopped, their events cancelled and their charity shops are closed.
☹️We have not yet received any government or statutory funding.
❤️FACT needs to be here today, tomorrow and for years to come, but they face potential closure if they don’t get the help they need now.
🙏Please consider making a one off donation, or setting up a monthly gift, using this Just Giving link below, by visiting their website www.fact-cancersupport.co.uk or by using the QR code on the flyer
Thanks again. Take care and stay safe,
Joanne Smith
Founder & Chief Executive
FACT- Fighting All Cancers Together
Charity No. 1130258
Denise Robertson House, Clasper Way, Swalwell NE16 3BE
0191 4420833
“Having the Support of FACT for me and my family has made the world of difference in helping me cope with my diagnosis of breast cancer, and the treatment that I am having. Without the friends I have made at FACT I would feel lost and very alone. FACT should be available ‘on prescription’ to everyone diagnosed with cancer – they are real medicine.”…….Feedback from a FACT service user J
If you are going through cancer, the help and support of those around you makes all the difference. Fighting All Cancers Together are looking to reward the most deserving cancer carers in the region at our 2019 North East Cancer Care Awards. If you know someone who does an amazing job of supporting others suffering from cancer, please complete the short nomination form and explain why your chosen person(s) deserves an award: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/N3BJ9KR
Why not become a volunteer ! Contact us for more information.
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Charity Number 1130258