Healthwatch North Tyneside News – 6 November 2020

Our News and Events
Maternity, birth and early baby care services – new survey launched
Share your story for the chance to win £25 Love2Shop vouchers
Services have changed due to the coronavirus pandemic and we have heard from a number of people the impact this has had on their maternity, birth and early baby care. Sharing your views and experiences helps us to make recommendations to providers in North Tyneside to improve services for expectant parents, mothers and babies.
You can take our online survey here, or contact our team to share your views or request a hard copy of the survey. Read more here – and please help to share this survey with those who have accessed maternity, birth and early baby care services.
Still time to share your experiences during the coronavirus pandemic
As part of our ongoing consultation with North Tyneside residents and users of health and care services in the borough, we want to hear about your experiences during the pandemic. What worked well? What could have been improved? How have your health and care been affected? Share your views to help improve local services (and you could win £20 high street vouchers).
Trustees’ Week: Thanks and Recruitment
This Trustees’ Week we want to say a huge ‘thank you’ to our own board of trustees, who have guided us through a very different and challenging year – thanks to each and every one of you for your support and dedication.
Can you use your knowledge and skills to help to improve health and social care services for people in North Tyneside? We are currently recruiting new trustees, who have the skills and experiences to help us deliver our aims and can volunteer at least three hours a month to support our work. Read more about this varied and rewarding opportunity.
Service Changes Information Hub
In light of ongoing adaptations and restrictions due to Covid-19, we are continuing to keep our Information Hub updated with changes to local health and care services, with sections on local hospitals, pharmacies, care homes and more. Read more here
What to do when you feel ill
Our research has found that local people are often confused as to who to call or where to go when they feel ill in North Tyneside. As a result, we have produced online information, video and leaflet giving you a guide to your options. Read more here, including how to request copies of our leaflet for distribution.
Healthwatch North Tyneside AGM 2020
Have your say
As well as maternity services and your experiences during coronavirus, we are currently gathering people’s feedback and experiences on the following themes. Please follow the links to find out more and share your views with us. You can also telephone us on 0191 263 5321 or email
Care Homes
Visit our website to see more ways to ‘Have Your Say’
Local and national news
Could you help keep your community safe from Covid-19?
North Tyneside VODA is harnessing the power of local residents as Community Health Champions to play a vital role in sharing up-to-date, trusted health messages with people they know and care about during the Covid-19 pandemic. To do this, VODA is recruiting a network of voluntary Community Health Champions from all walks of life who can share accurate information with their friends, family, neighbours and networks as they go about their lives. Read more and register your interest here
New lockdown restrictions from 5th November
Visit the Government’s website for official guidance on new measures and restrictions to control coronavirus in England, which came into force on 5th November, including updated guidance on visiting arrangements in care homes
Definition of clinically extremely vulnerable updated
The Government has also updated its definition and related guidance on people who are defined as clinically extremely vulnerable and therefore at high risk from Covid-19. If you think there are good clinical reasons why you should be added to the Shielded Patient List, discuss your concerns with your GP or hospital clinician.
Volunteer opportunities with VODA’s Good Neighbours project
Can you spare a few hours a week to help your neighbours in North Tyneside? North Tyneside VODA’s Good Neighbours project is recruiting new volunteers to help with shopping or prescription collections for vulnerable and isolated residents during the second lockdown. Read more and register your interest here
Have your say on NHS language and interpreting services
The NHS wants to hear from people who use interpreting and translation services when accessing NHS primary care services across the North East. Feedback will be used to shape the future of these services. Read more here
Get Well for Winter campaign in full swing
Developed by the North East and Cumbria Learning Disability Network and Skills for People, the campaign aims to support and empower people with a learning disability and their supporters in the North East and Cumbria to get fit and well for winter. Read more here, including how to receive a weekly campaign bulletin.
National Pharmacy Association: Ask Your Pharmacy Week 2020
Organised by the pharmacy body along with the NHS, this week-long campaign (2-9 Nov) aims to build public awareness and understanding of community pharmacy services and the role of pharmacy as an important part of the NHS family. Read more here and visit our website to find or leave feedback about your local pharmacy
For the latest news and opportunities to have your say follow us on social media