Healthwatch North Tyneside News – 9 October 2020

Our News and Events
What to do when you feel ill in North Tyneside
People in North Tyneside have told us through our research, at local events and via our online channels, that they often find it confusing to know who to call or where to go when they feel ill. As a result we have produced this short video, accompanying leaflet and online information. Read more here
New report: Experiences of Dementia and Memory Support Services in North Tyneside
To coincide with World Mental Health Day (10 October) we have published our Insights Report into local memory and dementia services. The findings are based on the experiences of older people and their families and includes recommendations around early identification and referrals, improving care coordination and crisis planning. Read more here
The impact of Covid-19 and recovery plans
As part of the latest meeting of North Tyneside’s Health & Wellbeing Board, Healthwatch North Tyneside highlighted some of the key themes and issues from the information people have told us about their experiences during the pandemic.
Read more here.
Service Changes Information Hub
NHS and other health, care and community services continue to change in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Keep up-to-date with local changes at our online Service Changes Information Hub, which contains sections on Urgent and Emergency Care, Hospitals, GPs, Mental Health Services, Pharmacies and lots more. Read more here
Phoenix Detached Youth Project launches ‘The Good Practice’ video
We are delighted to share this new video from Phoenix Detached Youth Project, which aims to help improve the service and accessibility of mental health support in the borough for young people. Funded by Healthwatch North Tyneside, the film was written and produced by local young people. Read more here
Have your say
We are currently gathering people’s feedback and experiences on the following themes. Please follow the links to find out more and share your views with us. You can also telephone us on 0191 263 5321 or email
Care Homes
Local and national news
New measures to minimise the spread of Coronavirus
Visit North Tyneside Council’s website about local restrictions to help minimise the spread of the virus.
Easy-read flu-vaccination resources
Easy-read leaflets, posters and flyers providing information are available on the Government’s website
Navigating Life in North Tyneside
Produced by North Tyneside VODA and North Tyneside Council, this new magazine features a range of useful information and resources to help residents navigate life in the borough during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Diary of a nation in lockdown
The ONS (Office of National Statistics) has published an infographic of public opinion during the pandemic. Do you agree with the statements within in? Share your views in our own coronavirus feedback survey
Have your say on North Tyneside’s SEND Inclusion Strategy
North Tyneside Council are currently consulting on the development of a plan to support the inclusion of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities within their local communities. They are looking to hear your views via this survey.
Live forums from online young people’s mental health platform, Kooth
Available to all young people aged between 11 and 25 across North Tyneside, Kooth offers access to support and advice on emotional wellbeing and mental health – including a series of live forums throughout October. Read more and register here
For the latest news and opportunities to have your say follow us on social media