Local community groups invited to take part in online happiness workshops

Community groups in Newcastle are being invited to share their own secrets of happiness by taking part in free, happiness-themed storytelling workshops. The workshops are run by the team behind the new podcast, The Geordie Guide to Happiness.
Podcast host and creator, Alex Henry, explains: “We’re interviewing all sorts of special guests, exploring how different people find happiness and look after their mental health. We’ve already heard from groups as diverse as Tyneside Women’s Health and Chilli Studios, which helps people improve their mental health through art, but we’d love to involve more people in spreading some extra happiness across Newcastle and beyond.”
The podcast also explores what’s special about Newcastle and its surroundings, and how being in the city makes life happier for its residents.
Community groups of all kinds are invited to take part in free, online workshops to share their own members’ stories about what makes them happy.
Listen to the podcasts at: www.thegeordieguidetohappiness.co.uk
To find out more, email Alex Henry on: hello@thegeordieguidetohappiness.co.uk