Mental Health Support Leaflet

Dear all
People have told us that they find it difficult to know where to go for support with their mental health needs. To help people easily access the support they need, we have published a short guide of support groups and services in North Tyneside that support people’s mental health.
This guide was developed through asking the CHCF Patient Forum and Launchpad Service User and Survivor Forum what support they currently found useful. The support listed can be accessed independently and the majority are free to use. We hope this provides a useful starting point for people to find and access services easily to support their mental health needs.
Download a PDF of this leaflet here. Please feel free to circulate this widely across your networks.
If you would like a printed leaflet please email or call Healthwatch on 0191 263 5321.
Kind Regards
Joanne Brown
Research and Engagement Officer
Working Days: Mon, Tues, Thurs
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