NTAS Online Programme

With the temporary closure of our physical studio spaces, we have been looking at how we can best support people to use art and creativity to improve their mental health.
As a result, we are now offering 3 creative classes per week as part of our open-access online creative programme. The sessions are available free of charge to everyone with access to the internet! This will enable us to support not only our existing members but anyone whose mental health is being negatively impacted by COVID-19.
These sessions will not only be of benefit to the people who you work with but also for your staff and volunteers as we all deal with the stress, loneliness, anxiety and disruption caused by the pandemic.
I hope that you will therefore consider sharing our creative programme, either through your social media, mailing lists, or team meetings, as a free, open way that people can experience the benefits of being creative and engaging with art and learn how art can improve your mental health.
Our sessions run as follows, with all the sessions being saved on our Facebook page to be watched later if you can’t make the live session. To visit our Facebook page, click this link: NTAS Facebook
Rachael Jones
Operations Manager
My working days are Tuesday to Saturday
North Tyneside Art Studio, Linskill Centre, Linskill Terrace, North Shields, NE30 2AY.
E. rachael.ntartstudio@gmail.com
T. 0191 2961156
Charity No. 1059103
Company No. 3266699