POSTPONED: Happy to Chat

HI All,
We have taken the decision alongside The Beacon Centre to postpone future Happy to Chat sessions for the foreseeable. Please share this around your networks.
Here at VODA we are co-ordinating a response for community support and social isolation in response to COVID19, your service users require any support from our good neighbours project please do get in touch and we can share our updated approach to managing the pandemic.
Any questions do get in touch
thanks very much
Best Wishes
Josie Robinson
Project Co-ordinator Ending Loneliness
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Telephone: (0191) 643 2632
VODA, Queen Alexandra Campus, Hawkeys Lane, North Shields, NE29 9BZ
Find our precise location here:
Charity Reg. No. 1075060
Company reg. No. 3703221
VODA is an ISO9001 Organisation