Supporting people in crisis report

Dear all
As you are aware over the last year, HWNT have been working on a project exploring people’s experiences of mental health crisis support. Supporting people in crisis is a detailed research report into people’s experiences of mental health crisis support in North Tyneside. We have heard from 215 service users, carers and staff about their experiences of mental health crisis. Our report highlights 12 suggested actions that, based on the feedback we have heard, would make significant improvements to people’s experiences of mental health crisis support.
Our approach to this research has been to collaborate closely with service users, providers and commissioners. Without their support and input it would not have been possible. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the project steering group, organisations who supported us in sharing our survey and holding focus groups, local commissioners and providers and most importantly those people who shared their views and experiences with us over this time.
We have presented the recommended actions to North Tyneside’s Health and Wellbeing Board. The Board agreed that these actions should be implemented and will be overseen by North Tyneside’s Mental Health Integration Boards. Regular updates will be provided to the Health and Wellbeing Board and there will be a review of progress after 12 months.
To view our full report, or summary report please follow this link: . This webpage also provides an overview of the other work we have been developing around mental health, including a guide to mental health support and a new video of mental health service users sharing their stories of using services in North Tyneside.
Mental health continues to be raised as a key issue for the people of North Tyneside and will be a key feature of the NHS 10 year plan. We look forward to working together on this issue in the future and to hearing how services for people in crisis improve. If you would like to discuss this report further or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact myself on 0191 263 5321 or via email to
Kind Regards
Joanne Brown
Research and Engagement Officer
Working Days: Mon, Tues, Thurs
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North Shields
NE29 6TL
Registered Charity Number 1160753