Countdown to Time to Talk Day

Whether you’ve already planned an activity or are still looking for inspiration, there are lots of ways to get your workplace involved.
And with our first ever Time to Talk Day virtual festival happening on the day, you can join in a host of activities from home.
We know that a small conversation about mental health, whether face-to-face, online or over the phone, has the power to make a big difference.
Let’s start talking and together we can end mental health stigma.
Join our virtual festival
We might not be able to see each other face-to-face, but that won’t stop us making some noise on Time to Talk Day!
We’re running a virtual festival full of online activities that you can join wherever you are. The sessions are open to everyone – no tickets required.
Why not get your team or a group of colleagues together virtually to join our lunch and learn from 1pm? Or if you’re looking to get moving, give Bollywood dance or laughter yoga a go for some virtual team bonding.
Share our Time to Talk Day images on your social media and help us get more people talking. You’ll also find some suggested accompanying text in our workplace activity pack
Use our Time to Talk Day virtual backdrop in any online meetings throughout the day to help inspire more conversations.
Join the fun from home with our virtual festival. You can just tune in for one or two sessions or for all of them – it’s up to you!