NT LIFE Student Survey

Michele Spencer, Chief Officer, North Tyneside Community and Health Care Forum, undertook an NT LIFE student and volunteer survey 2021/22 to give them the opportunity to feed back about their experience.
22 people took the time to complete the survey and some of the students were happy to meet Michele and share their personal journey.
The survey concluded that NT LIFE is designed for and run by people who understand how to support, encourage and empower.
Students are at the heart of all of the courses and workshops and the design of what is on offer.
It is confidential, inclusive, informal and non-judgemental and this was echoed in many of the responses. For most people there was a very short waiting time, and this is so important to the students. The impact from enrolment was clear, students felt in a safe place, nurtured and encouraged. The responses from students reflect what they think of NT LIFE, how it is coordinated, how they feel and what they get out of attending.”…it’s a lifeline”. You can view the full survey here.