Out Now! Golden Guide Newcastle and North Tyneside

The Golden Guide Newcastle & North Tyneside
Sparkling new edition going out now!
Cheerful, bright and practical – the 2018 Golden Guide is here! Refreshed with more contacts than ever, it will help you enjoy life in Newcastle and North Tyneside.
Find support when you’re not so fit and need health or care advice.
Get help with concerns including home security, consumer issues, pensions, money and legal matters.
- Socialising – LGBT groups, Cuppa Club and Contact the Elderly are busy with new groups.
- Sport and activities – new walks and strolls, wonderful wildlife activities, getting started with a surfboard, cycle or kayak. Indoors you’ll find tennis for the visually impaired, and for music lovers – the fabulous Store Strummers ukulele group!
- Start a business – now very popular with over 50s – find local advice.
- Befriending help – Independent Age, Chain Reaction and Learning Difficulties North East have caring and thoughtful schemes.
- Care support – Kinship carers, SIGN network advice and help, support for service personnel and a fully funded retreat for carers.
- Money issues – help tracing lost money, and with pensions and claiming entitlements.
- Specialist advice for people at risk of falling.
- Peer support, talking therapies and self-help guides for depression, anxiety and other mental health issues.
Local support groups and national helplines for a range of health conditions.
Golden Guide online
Visit the Golden Guide website for more information, updates and features. The latest guide appears in full. It’s searchable with web and email links and a new Read Aloud function.
We regularly post updates and longer features, so if you have a message to get out there – let us know – we might be able to promote it online.
Sponsors’ ad pages
Our ad pages are pretty special too! They offer a wealth of extra information – always helpful, always relevant and adding their own personal style.Not only that – they are key to ensuring the Golden Guide stays free of charge. Please mention the guide when you contact them.
If you have a service for over 50s you would like to showcase – the Golden Guide could offer the perfect opportunity – please get in touch to find out more.
Adult Social Care teams, public library branches and North Tyneside’s Care and Connect service have the largest supplies.
In the community
Copies are with Age UK North Tyneside and Age UK Gateshead, Alzheimer’s Society, Caring Hands Charity, Dementia Care, Elders Council, Healthwatch, Information Now, Newcastle Carers and North Tyneside Carers, Macmillan Support, PALS, Royal Voluntary Service, St. Oswald’s Hospice, WI branches and other outlets.
Copies are going out to Care Navigators in GP surgeries. In hospitals they are with occupational therapists, the Short Term Support Service and the Mental Health for Older People service. The Northern Centre for Cancer Care has some too. Selected branches of Boots pharmacies and Healthy Living pharmacies will have copies in due course.
If you, or someone you know, can’t get out to collect a copy you can request one sent out by post.
ring Care & Connect on 0191 643 7474
Newcastle residents
ring The Golden Guide on 0191 386 5918
There is a guide for Northumberland too. Find the latest edition online at www.goldenguide.org.uk
If you are a Northumberland resident request a copy by post from:
Age UK Northumberland .
Ring for a copy on 01670 784821 or 01670 784800.
Anything to add?

Heather Alabaster
Tel: 0191 386 5918
Email: heather@goldenguide.org.uk