15 Oct

Peer Research on Mental Health in Our Communities – New report from Connected Voice Haref

We’re pleased to share the findings from our recent peer research project on mental health in ethnically minoritised communities. Our peer research project was commissioned by Newcastle Healthy Futures. Connected Voice Haref coordinated the project while Fulfilling Lives Newcastle Gateshead provided peer research training. Four organisations (Rainbow Home. First Step, Riverside Community Health Project, West End Friends) provided members of staff and peer researchers to design and implement the research. This project was started after almost a year of living with the pandemic. Although the overall research does not focus specifically on the pandemic’s effects on mental health, COVID-19 has had a significant impact, and its presence is notable in some questions and in the results.

The peer research team was involved in all aspects of the project, from designing questions, developing methods, collecting responses, and analysing the data. The team decided to focus on: ‘Experiences and thoughts of mental health’ as the overall theme of the research along with questions related to:

  • Stigma
  • Perception  and knowledge of services
  • Recommendations on improving services

Find out more and read the full report