Sectioned in a Pandemic – Mind Video

Being sectioned under the Mental Health Act is one of the most traumatic things that can happen to someone. It means being held against your will, usually in hospital, with little or no say over what happens to you.
Whilst you’re under a section, a panel of people called a Tribunal, can assess how you’re doing to decide if you can be discharged from your section.
But Tribunals have moved to video and telephone hearings during the pandemic. It’s making it much more difficult for people to make their case. It means fewer patients are attending their hearings and some spend longer in hospital than necessary. My colleague Vicki explains this in our video.
In 2018 an independent review made over 150 recommendations to reform the Mental Health Act. The Act is decades out of date and it’s discriminatory.
We haven’t seen any action from the UK Government, and we’re tired of waiting. Peoples’ lives depend on this.
We need to see the Government’s response to the Mental Health Act review now. We won’t be keeping quiet.
Take care,