Early support for young people: Fund the Hubs

The pandemic has sped up a crisis in young people’s mental health that was already growing fast.
Hundreds of thousands of young people are struggling with their mental health – and too often they can’t get support when they first need it.
The earlier a young person gets support for their mental health, the more effective that support will be.
That’s why we’ve partnered with Young Minds, Youth Access, the Children’s Society and the Children and the Young People’s Mental Health Coalition to call on the UK Government to fund a network of early support hubs across England’
This network of early support hubs would provide easy-access mental health support across England. Anyone aged 11-25 would be able to drop-in, without an appointment or a referral, in their local area.
Similar hubs already exist in some parts of England, and are helping prevent young people from reaching crisis point. Extra funding would support these existing hubs, and establish new ones in areas without them.
Will you watch and share our campaign video calling on the UK Government to take action? Remember to use tAhe #FundTheHubs hashtag if you share on social media!
We know early support hubs work. Australia has an established network of over 100 hubs. Young people are telling us this is what they want. Let’s listen to them.
Take care,
Sorsha at Mind