Sign our petition

Mind is joining campaigners from fifteen countries as part of the Speak Your Mind campaign. We want to see a world where everyone, everywhere, has someone to turn to in support of their mental health.
Mental health is receiving more attention than ever before. Today we’re calling for the Prime Minister to commit to making mental health core business for every government department.
Mental health is not just the responsibility of the NHS. We need the NHS, schools, workplaces and community groups to all tackle mental health together. Now is the time to change mental health.
Only a third of people with a mental health problem receive any support at all. Stigma and discrimination of people with mental health problems continues. Urgent action is needed now to challenge the social causes of poor mental health to prevent people developing mental health problems in the first place.
Mental health is everybody’s business. We want every government department to work together to address mental health to provide better funding for social care, to focus on public mental health and to address the social determinants of poor mental health and health inequalities.
Sign our petition now calling for the Prime Minster to commit to making mental health core business for every government department. You can find out more about Mind’s vision for mental health services and care in ‘Transforming mental health’.
Take care,