Chilli Studio Winter Newsletter: Exciting News!

Winter greetings!
With further lockdown and winter drawing in, it’s important to stay connected. Please feel free to join us for social and creative stimulus. We have some exciting updates below including a trial opening of the Studios for two weeks in December!
It’s a packed programme! as well as new online Zoom activities (Programme below) we also have a few one-off Guest Artist workshops, 20 by 20 art sale, “Never Normal” Vane Gallery Exhibition, Xmas party, Postal Art Exchange and New postal creative wellbeing box offers! Exciting stuff! so keep eyes peeled for updates on our facebook wall.
“We can get through this together
with kindness, cleanliness and creativity”
In this email:
1. Winter Chilli Studios Online programme
2. Guest Artist discussions and demos
3. 20 X 20 Art Sale
4. STUDIO NEWS! Trial Opening in December
6. Chillitunities: Creative Care packages
7. Postal Art Exchange
8. Chilli Quiz
9. Membership update
10. Support links
1. NEW Online Programme above
Workshops & Activity for November & December
All links for daily workshops are on the member’s Facebook group and Members forum.
If you would like easy accessible links to each workshop and a guide on how to use zoom contact
We are super excited to announce more fabulous guest Artists for our “Let’s Talk Art” sessions on Monday at 2pm. First up is Rosie Stronach this Monday 16th Nov 2pm.
Rosie Stronach is an exciting mixed media artist from North Tyneside, primarily using methods of drawing in her creative practice to create bold, often colourful and playful works that are both powerful in meaning and presence. Rosie also co-founded and co-hosts the art podcast ‘Hey Art, What’s Good?’ which aims to promote creative happenings in the region.
Find out more about Rosie here
email to book a place and we will send you the link ready
Book a place on Guest Artist session here
3. 20 BY 20 FOR £20
We’re doing our 20 by 20 for £20 online this year and would love our past and present members to get involved.
If you would like to make some Art for this, here’s how to get involved:
● email
● We’ll arrange the delivery or drop off your canvas on Monday 16th November
● you have one week to create your art
● We will arrange the delivery or collect your work on Monday 23rd November
All canvases will be listed for £20 on our website on the 1st December and shared through social media channels from 23rd November
If your work sells, you’ll receive £10 of the sale price (the remaining £10 will cover postage & packaging, cost of canvas, listing, and transaction fees plus a small donation to the Studio)
Drop us an email if you have any questions!
Trial opening in December 🙂
We are planning a trial opening of the Studios venue for 1-3 days a week from Thurs 3rd Dec to 17th Dec. Then with luck we can extend activity and days from Jan 5th (dependent on government guidance and safety). This is exciting news and we can’t wait to see more of you all in person. However, this has to be done within Government guidelines with safety implications for all our members, volunteers, and staff. It will be different! and we will all have to make small changes to work together to maintain the safety of the space and people. It’s all about getting back to making a great creative community and fun space again, where we can support everyone’s wellbeing. #chillilove #chillicommunity
We will be carrying on online activity as it’s been such an important development at reaching everyone, staying connected, creative and safe. As more venue and outdoor activity starts this may reduce the online workshops a little due to staff capacity.
BOOKING & ALLOCATED TIMES ONLY: Initial spaces will be offered to members most isolated and not able to access our Chilli Online offer.
Please still contact us with an expression of interest about which workshops you would like to attend. We are operating a fair policy with rotating attendance. We will get back to you with available dates & details.
To express your interest please contact:
Steps to submit work below:
1. Any member of Chilli Studios past and present can submit artwork for the show. This includes anyone who has been involved in the online Chilli Zoom workshops.
2. Choose a few pieces of artwork that you have made during or post lockdown in 2020. This is a chance to celebrate your artwork created in difficult times. The artwork can also (but not necessarily) be challenging. If you want to create new work you can – please reflect on your personal experience of 2020 and lockdown.
3. Take a photo of 1-4 pieces of your work and email to NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 18TH
also include this information about the work:
a) Title
b) Date created
c) Your Name or pseudonym
d) What it is made with and created on
e) Size of the work
f) Why you created it and why you want to submit it
g) Artist Statement if you have one, quote or short sentence about you as an artist.
h) Any weblinks or social media links to your artwork online if you have them.
4. If you are submitting a complicated sculpture or installation please contact Jo in November to discuss.
5. Chilli Studios will choose 1-3 pieces of your art and will contact you to confirm being exhibited.
6. We will collect or pay for postage of your art no later than 12th January. As we will need to frame and curate the work that week.
7. Vane Gallery Opens to the public on Wed 20th Jan – Sat Feb 6th and runs wed-sat 12-5pm. Please book a time slot to view by emailing
6. Chillitunities: Creative Care packages
We are delighted to announce that we will be releasing a further 3 Creative care packages to current members of our charity (please see membership update below first). Please sign up by emailing You can sign up for them all but there is a fair policy so please state your preferred box.
1. General Wellbeing box
2. Beginners Silk painting kit
3. Mosiac Rainbow TBC
Images below are examples of past boxes

Members of the Chilli Studios that are interested can receive 2-3 free blank postcards to create their artworks as well as pre-paid envelope to return to Chilli Studios
Is a new exciting project open to all. Information above.
To get involved please contact
8.Chilli QUIZ returns!
2pm First Friday of the month
Zoom link on Members forum and members facebook group
9.Membership Update
There was no charge attached to our online service from April – August 2020.
From September 2020 membership will be back to the subsidised £10 a month for full membership which includes online activity and postal creative care boxes. Please contact to update membership.
Chilli Studios opened up the forum and live workshops further to new members and those who would benefit from this resource and are experiencing isolation & mental health issues. This is to support those wishing to join in Chilli Studios Creative activities during the Covid19 crisis.
All new members will have to fill in a more basic version of our membership form to ensure we support on an individual basis, maintain good practise and create a safe space for all using the resources. Link to form:
Our current ONLINE offer includes:
– Access to 3-10 zoom workshops a week (live and interactive) and basic technical support
(see timetable
– Access to our Online forum community and activity
Occasional & optional:
– Wellbeing check-ins and signposting
– One to one music support sessions – zoom, email or phone
– Postal art
– Creative care boxes
(Past Creative boxes have ranged from clay, fimo, printing, card making, watercolours, to general wellbeing & care packages)
- Support Links
- There is brilliant information and really useful coping advise on
“Coronavirus and your wellbeing” through MIND - Northern Mental health resource hub - Latest information on how Coronavirus is affecting Newcastle - Covid Mutual Aid UK is a group of volunteers supporting local community groups organising mutual aid throughout the covid-19 outbreak in the UK.
- Samaritans
Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.
Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)
Shout offers confidential 24/7 crisis text support for times when you need immediate assistance.
Text “SHOUT” to 85258 or visit Shout Crisis Text Line
Remember, there is comfort in knowing that you are not alone, we will come together soon and be stronger still.
Chilli Love to all x