Update from the Employers Team at Time to Change – 27 October 2020

Time to Change to close after funding ends
It is with great sadness that we announce that Time to Change as England’s primary anti-stigma and discrimination programme will close on 31 March 2021 when the campaign’s funding ends.
You have played an integral role in our overall success – you and more than 1600 Pledged Employers employing more than 4 million people across England have championed this cause and created a more open and understanding culture around mental health problems in the workplace. Together we have improved public attitudes by 12.7% over the past 15 years.
We want to say a huge thank you for helping to improve the lives of those of us with mental health problems, for enabling everyone to bring their whole selves to work, to create safe spaces for people to seek support and for everything you’ve done to support and amplify our message through your work.
Although we have been unable to secure government funding we will continue campaigning right up until the last moment.
We will be working with our Charity Partners, Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, to embed anti-stigma ambitions in what they do, share our learnings with others, and of course deliver our remaining peaks of national activity: Ask Twice in November and Time to Talk Day on Thursday 4 February 2021.
Reaching Out
Ask Twice this November
Now, more than ever, we know everyone’s mental health is under pressure. But there is something you can do to help. This November, you can work with us to tackle mental health sigma and discrimination by getting more people than ever to ‘Ask twice’. Launching on 19 November – International Men’s Day – we want everyone to keep it simple and Ask Twice.
Last year alone our Ask Twice messaging encouraged over 600,000 men to ask their mates twice, with a further 2.27 million saying it made them think about stepping in for a mate. So this really can make a difference to men’s lives – but only if we reach them.
Your channels can make all the difference in reaching more people, making sure they take the time to ask twice – and building their confidence to do this. And you’ll be doing even more to tackle mental health stigma.
Our Story
Time to Change Impact Report 2019 – 2020
We’re proud to publish our latest impact report detailing the strides the campaign has made this year to change the way we think and act about mental health in the workplace, in schools and in communities.
Useful Resources
Delivering behaviour change in the workplace
Part of Time to Change’s new Impact Series, this publication explores the tools and models the Time to Change Employers Programme has utilised to create behaviour change in workplaces across England for the last 15 years.
Being anti-racist in the workplace
This toolkit, curated by Mind’s Equality Improvement Manager, sets out a number of useful resources and publications for organisations committed to progressing their journey to becoming proudly anti-racist.
Upcoming Events
10 NOV
Masterclass: Mental Health Policy
In this Masterclass, Mind’s legal team will be discussing the importance of having a mental health policy in place, why policies matter and the importance of policy review. This event will run from 12-1pm on Thursday 10 November. Participation will be via Zoom.
19 NOV
International Men’s Day
Save the date! This International Men’s Day we’ll be launching this year’s Ask Twice campaign.