Young people deserve better – inpatient care

A hospital should be a safe place where everyone can get treatment for mental health problems. But for young people, the reality is often very different.
We asked young people what they thought about the upcoming reforms to the Mental Health Act and what needs to change to improve their experiences of inpatient care. Last Thursday, we released the findings in a new report: ‘Our rights, our voices’.
Most of the experiences young people shared were very poor. They describe a system that’s failing them and sometimes putting them in danger and making their mental health worse.
Click below to watch a Channel 4 interview with Freya who took part in the research. This clip mentions experiences of suicidal thoughts and forced restraint.
This report was shaped by young people with lived experience from the outset. They advised us on what areas of reform to focus on, how to reach other young people, and what questions to ask them.
We heard that often, young people are being inappropriately put in adult wards and far from home. They’re being restrained, ignored and left to deal with a confusing system on their own. And when they get back to their communities, the support they were promised often never materialises.
This needs to change. Young people enter hospital at an incredibly vulnerable point in their lives. We need to do much more to makes sure each one gets the care and support they deserve.
Reforming the Mental Health Act will help improve inpatient care – but only if these changes are shaped by those who have experienced it. We’ll be in touch again soon with more updates about our campaign – and how together, we can push for safe and therapeutic care for all.
Thank you for all your support so far.
Take care,